We deliver various football coaching programmes throughout the year to the following age groups:
These programmes are usually delivered over 8 weeks and we link in educational workshops / study visits with the young people to help them learn to respect themselves, their sport and their community. Examples of the issues covered include mental health and well-being; drugs and alcohol awareness; crime and anti-social behaviour; good relations; life skills and choices.
Many of the young people involved in our football coaching programmes highlighted that there where no opportunities for them to play competitive football in the local area. We therefore started up a number of football teams from the Respect Project under the name of Newry United to participate in the local Games Development Centre which takes place on Saturday mornings. The ethos of Newry United teams reflects that of the overall Respect Project whereby young people play equal amount of time on the pitch regardless of ability and we encourage fair play and respect both amongst the players and parents.
This programme involves young people coming together to celebrate cultural diversity through football. Teams are allocated Countries from throughout the World and in the build up to the one-day event young people learn more about the culture and traditions of the Country they are representing by researching the Country and developing banners and kits that reflect the cultures of the Country in a positive way. On the day of the event the young people participate in a fun based football competition at various age groups. There are also many off-pitch activities for the young people to get involved in, from health information stalls to fun team games.
We deliver multi-sport programmes throughout the year. These programmes are usually delivered over an 8-week period and involve various age groups. We link in educational workshops / study visits with the young people to help them learn to respect themselves, their sport and their community. Examples of the issues covered include mental health and well-being; drug and alcohol awareness; crime and anti-social behaviour; good relations; life skills and choices.