Health Improvement

Health Improvement

Know the Score Youth Programme

This programme involves young people aged 11 – 13 years of age participating in various education-based workshops and study visits around such issues as drugs and alcohol awareness; crime and anti-social behaviour, mental health, healthy eating etc. The programme aims to provide young people with the correct information to enable them to make informed positive lifestyle choices.

Get into Sport Programmes

This programme was first developed by female leaders involved in the project for women over the age of 30 who did not have the confidence to get involved in exercise. The programme involved various tastier sessions from different sport and physical activity providers in the area with the aim of providing a pathway for participants into more long-term exercise opportunities on completion of the programme. There also were health checks done at the start and end of programme to enable participants to measure their improvement over the programme. In addition, there were several health information workshops provided to participants on such issues as breast cancer, healthy eating; mental health etc The Get into Sport Programme is now also being delivered with young teenage girls.

Men’s Over 35 Football and Health Programme

This programme targeted men over the age of 35 to become more active and raise awareness of important health and lifestyle choices. The programme involved weekly football sessions leading to a charity match to conclude the programme. In addition, there were informal educational workshops on such things as cancer awareness, mental health and healthy lifestyles. There also were health checks done at the start and end of programme to enable participants to measure their improvement over the programme. The charity match at the end of the programme helps raise money to a nominated local charity each year.